
The College of Arts and Sciences was formerly the College of Liberal Arts which was opened in 1935 and was the oldest college in the University. Its initial offering was the Preparatory Law Course. It was the first college in the University and in the region to be accredited by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) in 1977. Since then, up to the present, the college has maintained its Level III clean accreditation status.

The Liberal Arts curricula provide a basis and solid preparation for a field of specialization in medical, dental, legal, teaching and other professions.

In 2002, the College of Liberal arts was renamed, College of Arts and Sciences. The College has grown and expanded in terms programs in the Arts and Sciences.

In 2003, the College of Arts and Sciences was made as the service college for the General Education program. Its supervisory functions expanded thereby administering and supervising the delivery of general education courses for the whole university. All GE teachers were brought under the administration of the College Dean who exercised such function through the Department Chairmen: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Humanities, Languages, Mathematics and Physics, and Social Sciences.