Sunday, September 19, 2010

CAS goes tree planting

As part of the Biology Department's awareness month for the whole September, the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) students, spearheaded by the Biology teachers, joined the tree planting activity on September 13 in Ginomoy, Alimodian, Iloilo.

The CAS students who actively participated in the activity were composed of Literature, Psychology, Foreign Service, and Tourism majors. The slots were limited and only a few were selected to represent each course enroled in BSC15 or Environmental Science subject.

The Biology teachers who actively spearheaded the tree planting activity were: Evelyn Sorianosos, Emily Cataluna, Christine Villanueva, Edda Brenda Yerro, Nancy Latumbo, Marylou Arabaca, and Lovelyn Jucaban.

The students and teachers were picked up by the school bus at 10:00 o'clock in the morning, and after an hour of tiresome travel, everyone finally reached their destination. A few meters away from Ginomoy Kiddie Center was the Aganan River where the tree planting happened.

The scorching heat of the sun did not stop the students and the teachers in doing their tasks. Each had successfully planted his/her tree near the river and had taken pictures with their planted trees. After planting, they cleaned the area and found their respective areas, in groups, to feed their hungry stomachs. It may have been God's blessing when rain suddenly fell. With positive thoughts, everyone believed that the rain was God's way of watering the newly-planted trees for new lives to being on earth.

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